

Charles McJilton

I didn’t know that 6000 tons of food is discarded every day in Tokyo until I read this article. Charles McJilton, a NGO staff, has been working to reduce the amount food waste and provide food product to some places. Second Harvest Japan has also provided food to disaster areas in Tohoku since March 11 2011.

According to CNN, Japan has very high standard to demand, so even if a product has a little damage, it cannot be sold.

There are many people around the globe who don't have enough to eat. On the other hand, the Japanese people tend to leave large amount of food. We should remember that and encourage to reduce the amount of food waste.

 I thought that these ways are waste. I thought I’m lucky because I want to join the activities of Second Harvest Japan, so I’m really looking forward to listen to his lecture.

2 件のコメント:

  1. I'm so glad to see that you researched the activities of 2HJ very well and could anticipate the talk by Mr. McJilton better. Hopefully, his lecture will make many students (and ME TOO) feel that we want to volunteer for 2HJ's activities. Already some AGU teachers and students are participating in them. Apparently, one need not make a long-term commitment. It seems to be possible just to join some weekend food distribution project or to help out once or twice with office-related work. Of course, they would appreciate help on a more regular basis as well.

    Joseph D.

  2. I'm really impressed, Minami, that you already have more than 300 visitors to your blog. Wow!!!
