

By reading the book "Food for All"

I have been reading the book, “Food for All”, it can teach me what the agriculture should be in the future. By the before, people have depended too much on chemical fertilizer or pesticide and so on.


 As a result, they could temporarily get material wealth, but instead of that, that they lost a lot of things. At the same time, it occurred some serious problems.


During the World War and, the countries of colonialism had made the famers in their colonies cultivate only one kind of product to gain their immediate profit only.

It can stated that the trigger for the issue of hunger was their behaves.

 So now, these countries are suffering from the lack of output and trying to change to inter agriculture from mono agriculture. But, considerable cash will be needed to do it.


Also, the value of organic farming is being reappreciated all over the world. However, it can also be expected to cost a large amount of money, unfortunately…


To curb the situation, the developed countries, especially the former colonial rulers, should provide the developing countries the expenses necessary for renovation of their agricultural method. They must help these countries because they have responsibilities to solve their serious problems.

1 件のコメント:

  1. The book you're reading seems to look at the problem of hunger and agricultural methods in a wholistic manner, considering the influence of history and the lasting harm that colonialism caused.

    Unfortunately, the developed countries are more interested in advancing the interests of their own corporations (or those of multinationals, such as Monsanto, Cargill, and Dow Chemical) rather than advocating sustainable and safe agricultural methods like organic farming. There's more money in GMO and the huge chemical industry that supports conventional agricultural practices. I'm afraid that it will take the strong will of the people in former colonial countries to resist the high tech, expensive solutions that will put them in debt to the developed countries.
